VERSAILLES becomes the best performing original series of the past 2 years

All-round, the series has become the best-performing original creation for the past 2 years.

Indeed, VERSAILLES had the highest audience for the launch of an Original Creation since TUNNEL (November 2013) with almost 1 million subscribers (987,000) for a subscriber audience share of 19.2%.

Furthermore, in de-linearized distribution the series scored over 2.7 million downloads for the whole of the series over a 4-week download window.

In terms of overall success, over a 4-week period, it scored an average of 1.2 million contacts per episode, broadcast exclusively on CANAL+ and CANAL+ A LA DEMANDE (Pay Per View).

In addition, its international success has already been largely confirmed with the sale of VERSAILLES in 12 countries including the UK, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Poland, Bulgaria, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Canada.

VERSAILLES is the top selling series in box-set and digital and has been the leading end-of-year launch in its category.

The second season of VERSAILLES is now in the pipeline.

A performance which illustrates, more than ever, the passion of subscribers for big-budget original creations from CANAL+.

Source: Médiamétrie audience measurement.