A thematic work…

Sophie Loubaton, photographer, trained as an architect, bears witness to the everyday through images in which individuals are constantly in relation to their history, their social or economic environment. Never reduced to essentialist or psychological representations, people are portrayed in the context of an encounter, as singular witnesses of their own society. In this vein, the photographer produces “constructed” reportages, articulating photography, writing, spoken word and sound recording…

Singled out for praise by the 2001 Kodak Photography Prize for her reportage on the Autonomous Republic of Kalmukia, her work has often been published in the press: Regards, Le Monde, Télérama, L’Humanité, La Ville, Urbanisme, Les Echos…
Corporate work:

EDF: portraits of professions and reportages for the EDF Mediatheque. Reportages and poster campaigns for the DPIT (Thermal Dept.)
Val-de-Marne Regional Council: reportages for special editions, budget, celebration of the region’s 40th anniversary…
CRECEP (Centre for research, expertise and checking – Paris Water): EAU PUBLIQUE, book to mark the 100th anniversary of the CRECEP
And also: URML (Regional Union of Independent Doctors), CAPA ENTREPRISES, CCAS EDF, EPASA SEINE_ARCHE, SEINE ST DENIS REGIONAL COUNCIL, CCIP (Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry) ERDF, PLAN CREATIF, APHP (Paris Public Hospitals)…

Key exhibitions…

50 YEARS OF MEDICAL PROGRESS, exhibition at Hotel Dieu, Paris 1st District.
for APHP (Paris Public Hospitals) – October 2008 / February 2009
LA CHAMBRE JAUNE / THE YELLOW ROOM – December 2007 / May 2008
In situ exhibition in La Cité des Provinces Françaises – Nanterre University – on 40 linear metres of palisades – Portraits and life stories…
PAPIER PEINT: WALLPAPER – Photos and Captions festival – November 2006
Exhibition on the theme of housing estate living at the “Pavillon” gallery, Pantin (suburb of Paris).
Histoires d’A… tales of love
“L’Amour comment ça va?” exhibition at La Villette, Paris, April – August 2006
Rencontres photographiques de Marommes (76), in 2002
Fête de l’Humanité 2001

Photographic series on Nanterre, Maison de la Musique / Nanterre 2006
Geneva Museum of Contemporary Art (Switzerland)
Fête de l’Humanité 2002
Geneva Centre for Photography (Switzerland)
Ciné 104 – Pantin (suburb of Paris), (“Discovering new militant cinema” cycle)
Confluences Cultural Centre (Paris 20th district)
Photographic series on reading in public transport
SNCF Saint-Lazare and Mureaux (near Paris) train stations